Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

KnightTemplar1453 (previously called KnightTemplar1922, then to Red Eagle, Fegelgamer and now back to a KnightTemplar with different number suffix) is a former Brazilian Unterganger focused mainly on Downfall Parodies. He is temporarily in retirement due to lack of motivation to make new parodies and problems in his personal life.


His friend recommended him to watch Hitler é banido da Xbox Live, the Portuguese version of the parody "Hitler is banned from Xbox live". He decided to watch more parodies and even made a channel to make comments on them and sending some suggestions. He found out about the untergang community and discovered famous Untergangers such as mfaizsyahmi, Hitler Rants Parodies, Shomronon, and others. In August 2012 he closed his old account and open another new one and start making his own parodies.

His first parody was "Hitler plays NFSU2", uploaded on 23 August 2012, three days after he created his account. This was his most challenging parody at the time, because Sony Vegas frequently crashed, forcing him to resort to using Windows Movie Maker, for his lack of experience, though his other parodies are made using Sony Vegas. (This happened in his first account, KnightTemplar1922, which was erased, though).

He has gone through many incident and unfortunate situations which led him to erase his previous accounts, such as KnightTemplar1922, Fegelgamer and untimately KnightTemplar1453. He currently has an Youtube account called HoneyBadger1914, used only to keep an eye on his subscriptions' uploads and to like videos. The exact date of his return as a parody maker is not certain.


His main styles are both Traditional and Special FX, in his first days of unterganging, he watched Shomronon's Sony Vegas tutorial and also downloaded TSU's Green Screen Pack 2.0., after watching other tutorials about the chroma key, he really liked the possibilities offered by Sony Vegas and stopped using Windows Movie Maker. He still makes some traditional parodies, but still uses Sony Vegas for the rest. He also uses Packs made by other untergangers, such as Staedty86's unique parody pack.

