Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

Edudn (or Edudn01 in YouTube / Edudn001 in the Downfall Parodies Forum) is a Brazilian Unterganger who has recently started uploading parodies. After 6 months of Unterganging, he decided he should start uploading his parodies. His first submitted parody, "Fegelein: Revenge of the Antics (Trailer)", was a huge success, and with it, he won shomronon's contest, becoming one of the FX Lost Downfall Parodists.

In YouTube, he often posts comments on Unterganger parodies and give them suggestions, and also submits his own parodies; in the Downfall Parodies Forum, he post comments and try to contribute to the Untrergangers, also helping new ones to start doing parodies; in real-life, he tries to convince others to do and upload Downfall Parodies.

Edudn is responsible for the Untergangers List, in which he puts the names of all Untergangers he's found. His channel also has a "Main Untergangers" box, in which he puts the best Untergangers in his point of view (notice that the limit is 16 channels in that box, so he can't put everyone that he actually wanted).

Edudn suddenly stopped all unterganging activity in mid-2011 and was presumed dormant. In July 2012, he posted in the downfall parody forum the reasons for his 'vanishing' and as a result is now considered retired due to his self-proclaimed unability to make and comment on further parodies.


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