Hitler Parody Wiki
Hitler Parody Wiki

“My Führer, what are you planning?”
“Shut up, dumb minions!”
“Damn it, Baldy/Jodl!”
―Adolf Hitler's frequent catchphrase in the parodies of this scene

The Hitler Planning Scene is one of the many scenes in Downfall used to create Downfall parodies. It is perhaps the third most used scene in parodies after the Original Bunker Scene and the Hitler, Grawitz and Günsche scenes.

In Downfall[]


Hitler plans scene (original german subtitles)

Hitler Plans Scene with dialogue by Keitel (actual German subtitles)

Wilhelm Keitel starts the meeting by informing Hitler he must allow the 9th Army to retreat or else it would be destroyed. Hitler, however, insists that the 9th Army, led by Theodor Busse, should stand their ground.

Alfred Jodl remarks that the 9th Army is as good as lost then. Continuing (and plainly ignoring his generals), Hitler proposes a plan to drive back the Soviets coming from the north and east, with a "relentless and almighty assault". Jodl asks Hitler which units, to which Hitler responds that Felix Steiner's unit will attack from the north and meet up with the 9th Army.

Hans Krebs points out that the 9th Army can't attack the north, as the Red Army outnumbers them by ten to one, but Hitler states that Walther Wenck will support them with the 12th Army.

Jodl strongly objects to that move because the 12th Army is heading westwards towards the Elbe River (located west of Berlin, and to mean towards the Western Front). Hitler insists on his plan by saying they should turn around. Jodl points out that it would expose the Western Front. Hitler then rants about him questioning his orders and states that he had made himself perfectly clear. Jodl then backs off (in the Extended Edition), thus ending the scene (as is usually used in parodies).

Directly after the commonly used segment of the scene, Joseph Goebbels further elaborates on the importance of "keeping Berlin until the Americans arrive so that a deal can be negotiated". Hitler then has a drink and Hermann Göring glances at his watch before Mohnke arrives.

The scene is then immediately followed by Wilhelm Mohnke entering the room. Hitler proceeds to query him about Operation Clausewitz. Mohnke requests that the millions of civilians (of women, children, and the elderly in particular) be evacuated by the Wehrmacht, but Hitler refuses because they, as he said, had chosen this outcome. This part of the scene, however, is rarely used together with the shot earlier.

Extended Edition[]

In the extended edition, Goebbels' first dialogue about keeping Berlin until the American's arrival for negotiation is absent. Instead, after Jodl gets ranted at Mohnke enters the room before Hitler has his drink.

Afterward, Hitler declared his intention to remain in Berlin, which caused an uproar among his subordinates which Hitler quelled by saying he in Berlin is the last bulwark against the Soviet "beast". Goebbels added that if it came to be that Hitler should die it must be within the ruins of Berlin, that it is how it is to go down in history.

The scene continues with the rest of Mohnke's part.

In the Parodies[]

This scene appears very frequently in many parodies, to the point where it can be considered a staple. It is used to showcase Hitler's newest outlandish plan, as he is seen consulting his generals about said plan.

Most of the time, the scene goes like this: Jodl asks what Hitler is planning. Hitler explains his plan and how Steiner is involved in it while pointing on a map. After this, Krebs adds some advice (or just talks about maps or fish, more correctly how he can incorporate those in the plan). Then Jodl starts objecting to this plan, pointing out its flaws or, in some cases, just flat out objects because he wants to. Whatever the case, this objection results in Hitler getting angry, and he goes on to assert his plan's soundness and then insulting Jodl (typically related to his bald head) in response. It is this scene that provided Jodl with his famous "Objector" trait.

In most parodies using this scene, it starts with Jodl saying, "My Führer, what are you planning?" or an insulting variant of it, such as "My Führer, what kind of stupid plan have you thought of now?" Hitler's typical reaction to his objections is "Damn it, Jodl! Why not?".

Some parodies also use Goebbels from the extended version of this scene, where he is mostly seen filling the role of Hitler's yes-man, completely agreeing to the Führer's plan, no matter how idiotic it is.

Hitler's interaction with Mohnke usually relates to the plan, with Mohnke tasked with carrying them out or reporting its progress. This implies that the plan is already underway, rendering Jodl's objections moot either way. In some parodies, Mohnke came to replace Jodl as objector. Hitler's reception to him, however, differ vastly as Hitler typically never rants at Mohnke, even when Mohnke plainly insults him.

The shot where Göring looks at his watch was also frequently added to parodies to make it seem he is present at the time. In the early days, this was the only way to make Göring appear in a parody. Unfortunately, this forced Göring to be a minor character, as he did not say anything. But since Behind the Scenes interview footage of the actor is found, the Göring shot of this scene gradually lost popularity for use in parodies where Göring appears, as compared to the interview.

It is important to note that this scene has been used in other ways than those listed above. It's not always about Hitler revealing a plan, nor is Jodl always objecting. In a now removed parody by JennieParker87's, it is even the other way around, with Hitler objecting to Jodl's plan.

A few mondegreens in this scene have come to define the traits of several characters. For example, when Hitler mentions Walther Wenck's name it's replaced with "fine". Its repeated use has made the opposite come true: Wenck is "not" fine with his name changed, as shown in a Reich News parody. Another more famous instance is Mohnke being called Bonkers and Monkey (alternatively, Mohnkey), while his typical parody character exhibits no trait that relates to either. However, Theodor Busse whose mention was sometimes changed to "pussy", didn't have much of an effect due to the dialogue being just before the main part with Jodl.

Another very important mondegreen taking place in this scene is when Krebs says the word «bewegungsunfähig» (meaning "unable to move"), the last two syllables of which can be heard as "fish". This is the source of Krebs' famous obsession with fish. This mondegreen was actually the inspiration for the channel name of BewegungsunFISH, but with "fähig" replaced with "FISH." There are also a mondegreen about Mohnke, when he say "kommt" sound like "c*nt".

The cut from Extended version, where generals tries to convince Hitler to run away from Berlin, but Hitler interrupts their pleas, is mostly used in parodies as scene, where everyone wants Hitler to realize their idea, but everyone talks at the same time, so Hitler orders everyone to shut up, usually calling them dumb minions or bunch of idiots. Several Untergangers used the same cut in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? parodies with Downfall characters, to portray the Ask the audience lifeline.

Other mondegreens include Hitler saying "ruff ruff" or "riff raff" from «zurückwerfen» ("to repulse"), and Jodl saying "shit" from «marschiert» ("marches") when he first objects which might explain why Hitler gets so mad. When Hitler gets mad and shouted «AUSGEDRÜCKT», if slowed down, will show Hitler gruntling after being angered.

This is the scene where Hitler was unable to find Berlin.


German transcript and English translation
Speaker German English
Preamble (with Keitel)
KEITEL Auch auf die Gefahr hin, mich zu wiederholen, die neunte Armee muss zurückgenommen werden.  At the risk of repeating myself, the ninth army must be withdrawn.
Sonst wird sie eingekesselt und aufgerieben! Otherwise it will be encircled and rubbed!
Wir müssen sofort… We have to go immediately...
HITLER Die neunte Armee wird nicht zurückgenommen. The ninth army will not be withdrawn!
Sagen Sie Busse, er soll kämpfen, wo er steht! Tell Busse to fight where he is!
Main part (with Jodl)
JODL Mein Führer... My Führer...
Dann ist die neunte Armee verloren. Then the ninth army is lost.
HITLER Wir werden die im Norden und Osten bis an den äußeren Verteidigungsring vorstoßenden Sowjetverbände... in einem rücksichtslosen, mit aller Kraft geführten Gewaltschlag zurückwerfen. We will throw back the Soviet units advancing in the north and east to the outer ring of defense... in a ruthless, vigorously violent blow.
JODL Mit welchen Kräften, mein Führer? With what units, my Führer?
HITLER Die Gruppe Steiner wird von Norden her angreifen und sich mit der neunten Armee vereinigen. The Steiner group will attack from the north and join the ninth army.
KREBS Die neunte Armee ist nach Norden hin bewegungsunfähig... The ninth army is unable to move north...
Die Feindkräfte übersteigen unsere Mannschaften um ein Zehnfaches! The enemy forces exceed our teams tenfold!
HITLER Wenck! Wenck!
...soll mit der zwölften Armee die Sache unterstützen! ...should support the cause with the twelfth army!
JODL Aber mein Führer, die zwölfte Armee marschiert nach Westen Richtung Elbe... But my Führer, the twelfth army is marching west towards the Elbe...
JODL Dann entblößen wir die Westfront! Then we expose the western front!
Extended (with Goebbels)
GOEBBELS[1] Früher oder später werden die Westmächte einsehen, dass nur wir die Bolschewisten aufhalten können. Sooner or later the Western Powers will see that only we can stop the Bolsheviks.
Wir sind das letzte Bollwerk gegen die asiatischen Horden. We are the last bulwark against the Asian hordes.
Wir müssen Berlin halten, nur wenige Tage, dann machen wir mit den Amerikanern Kippe. We have to hold Berlin, just a few days, then we'll be done with the Americans.
HITLER Ich bin mit mir ins Reine gekommen. I have come to terms with myself.
Ich bleibe in der Hauptstadt. I stay in the capital.
EVERYBODY Mein Führer, Sie können doch nicht...! My Führer, you cannot...!
HITLER Es kann und darf nicht sein... dass diese kulturlosen Bestien Europa überschwemmen! It cannot and must not be... that these cultureless beasts are flooding Europe!
Ich bin das letzte Bollwerk gegen diese Gefahren! I am the last bulwark against these dangers!
Der Kampf um Berlin ist die deutsche Schicksalsschlacht! The battle for Berlin is the German battle of fate!
GOEBBELS Allein in Berlin lässt sich ein moralischer Welterfolg erzielen. A moral world success can be achieved in Berlin alone.
Wenn dem Führer der Tod bestimmt sein sollte, muss er das Ende in den Trümmern des Hauptstadt suchen! If death is to be determined for the Führer, he must end in the ruins of the capital!
Nichts anderes ist er der Treue zu seiner weltgeschichtlichen Aufgabe… und seinem historischen Rang schuldig! He owes nothing else to his loyalty to his world historical task... and his historical rank!
Mohnke... Mohnke...
Sie sind da. You are here.
MOHNKE Mein Führer. My Führer.
HITLER Ich habe heute "Fall Clausewitz" ausgegeben... I issued "Operation Clausewitz" today...
Berlin wird Frontstadt. Berlin becomes a front town.
Sie übernehmen als Kampfkommandant die Sicherung des Regierungsviertels. As combat commanders, you take over the security of the government district.
MOHNKE Mein Führer, wenn es in Berlin zur Schlacht kommt, wir werden kämpfen bis zum letzten Mann. My Führer, if there is a battle in Berlin, we will fight to the last man.
Aber es sind noch über drei Millionen Zivilisten in der Stadt, die müssen evakuiert werden! But there are still over three million civilians in the city who need to be evacuated!
HITLER Ich verstehe Ihre Bedenken, Mohnke. I understand your concerns, Mohnke.
Aber wir müssen auch da eiskalt sein. But we have to be freezing cold there too.
Wir können jetzt keine Rücksicht auf sogenannte Zivilisten nehmen. We cannot take civilians into consideration now.
MOHNKE Mein Führer, bei allem gebotenen Respekt, gestatten Sie die Frage… was soll aus den Frauen und Kindern werden, den tausenden von Verletzten und den Alten? My Führer, with all due respect, allow the question... what should become of women and children, the thousands of injured and the elderly?
HITLER In einem Krieg wie diesem gibt es keine Zivilisten. There are no civilians in a war like this.
  • [1] Goebbels's first speech can only be found in the theatrical version (see Trivia).


  • The scene (as far as the most common one goes) lasts 48 seconds; however, there is an additional 11 seconds where Keitel informs that the 9th Army should retreat, which Hitler objects and ordered Theodor Busse "to fight where he stands."
    • The scene with Mohnke is also included here.
  • The scene differs in the Extended Edition from the one in the Theatrical Version.
    • In the theatrical version, immediately after Hitler's rant, Goebbels begins to speak how they'll hold the Soviets and make a deal with the Americans. Jodl looks at Goebbels when he talks and then back at Hitler. In the Extended edition, Jodl just looks at Hitler and slowly stands back, and Mohnke enters.
  • Karl Koller is briefly visible when Keitel talks to Hitler. Later he is no longer in the room.
    • In a deleted scene, available in the Premium Edition as in the behind the scene footage, Hitler orders Koller to mobilize the remaining air force to support Steiner's attack. He also threatens Koller with a death sentence if he defects. Koller complies and leaves. This exchange occurred prior to Joseph Goebbels's opening line. The subscene can be seen in the behind the scenes interviews.
    • This subscene also explains the difference between the Theatrical Version and the Extended. It, therefore, serves as a bridge between the two scenes.
  • Burgdorf appears in this scene, but he doesn't have any lines.
  • Rather than Krebs pointing at the map, it was Hitler who shows where Steiner's division will attack. It is thus the only scene where Hitler points at a map. And it's also the scene where people laugh at Hitler's inability of finding Berlin on a map.
  • Like the Original Bunker Scene, it features a map and Hitler and the generals, among others, talking about the war. However, in this scene, Hitler plans something, whereas, in the Original Bunker Scene, Hitler is informed of the bad news.
  • It is the most popular scene with no appearance/reference of Hermann Fegelein or Otto Günsche. However, after the most commonly used segment, the latter can be seen outside, holding the door open, when Wilhelm Mohnke enters the room.
  • This scene is the only one where Hermann Göring is seen talking along with everyone else. What he says, however, is inaudible and lost to the noise of everyone trying to convince Hitler to leave Berlin.
  • Walther Wenck was mentioned for the first time, however contrary to the scene, Jodl suggested that Wenck's 12th Army should move eastward to link up with the 9th Army instead of objecting Hitler's mentioned plan. Also, historically, Jodl suggested the move during the Original Bunker Scene in order to coax Hitler out of his rage towards Steiner's whereabouts.


Hitler Youth Artillery Scene
Hitler Planning Scene
View Template Page
Hitler's Generals Discussing Scene
Scenes in Downfall's timeline
  1. Prologue
  2. Hitler's Secretarial Interview
  3. Battle Scenes (first part - bombing)
  4. Traudl, Gerda and Constanze wake up to artillery fire
  5. Hitler Phone Scene
  6. Eva and Traudl discuss in the kitchen [ext]
  7. Fegelein and Himmler at Hitler's birthday
  8. Schenck and the burning of documents
  9. Himmler greets Hitler (aka Hitler Wants Himmler Scene)
  10. Himmler and Fegelein at the garage (garage)
  11. Hitler walks around the model of Berlin (Germania)
  12. Hitler Youth Artillery Scene
  13. Hitler Planning Scene [diff]
  14. Hitler's Generals Discussing Scene
  15. Hitler congratulates the Hitler Youth
  16. Traudl, Gerda and Constanze talk in bed
  17. Schenck and Müller around a bonfire
  18. Party Scene (beginning)
  19. Hitler and Speer chat on the couch
  20. Party Scene
  21. Battle Scenes (second part - Weidling)
  22. Mohnke calls Schenck
  23. Weidling goes to the Bunker
  24. Schenck in the Hospital
  25. Wilhelm and Dorothee Kranz arguing [ext] [noDl]
  26. Singing Burgdorf Scene [diff]
  27. Peter Kranz's street battle
  28. Fegelein talking to Traudl and Gerda
  29. Original Bunker Scene
  30. After the Original Bunker Scene
  31. Fegelein and Friends
  32. Traudl and Gerda talking in bed
  33. Eva walks Blondi
  34. Hitler Laughing Scene (aka Hitler's Trollface) [ext]
  35. Battle Scenes (third part - Mohnke)
  36. Schenck and Müller in a truck
  37. Schenck enters the shelter [ext]
  38. Mohnke talks to Goebbels
  39. Eva talking on the phone with Fegelein
  40. Magda Goebbels and the Goebbels children arrival [noDl]
  41. The Goebbels children sing to Hitler
  42. Schenck and Haase operating [ext]
  43. Hitler instructs how to commit suicide
  44. Eva and Magda write their letters
  45. Hitler stares at his favourite painting
  46. Peter Kranz in the bomb shelter [ext] [noDl]
  47. Battle Scenes (fourth part - Peter Kranz)
  48. Hitler talks about the Battle of Berlin (aka Bunker Scene 2) [ext]
  49. Peter Kranz hides in the artillery crater [noDl]
  50. Keitel, Krebs and others talk [ext]
  51. Hitler talks to Keitel
  52. Battle Scenes (fifth part - well)
  53. Bormann informs Hitler
  54. Speer and Traudl talk
  55. Peter Kranz in the fog [noDl]
  56. Magda, Eva and Bormann talk to Speer
  57. Speer's last conversation with Hitler
  58. Peter returns home [ext] [noDl]
  59. Traudl and the singing Goebbels children [ext] [noDl]
  60. Hitler meets Greim and Reitsch
  61. Hitler Eating Scene
  62. Hitler Explains Scene
  63. Traudl and Eva discuss Fegelein's flee [ext] [noDl]
  64. Hitler, Grawitz and Günsche (Reviews / Informed / Pros and Cons)
  65. Grawitz family's suicide
  66. Högl enters the brothel [noDl]
  67. Fegelein's Arrest Scene
  68. Eva wants Hitler to spare Fegelein
  69. Weidling and Mohnke inform Hitler (Bunker Scene 3, pt1)
  70. Generals discuss and Burgdorf gets angry (Bunker Scene 3, pt2)
  71. Fegelein Execution Scene
  72. Traudl is late to Hitler's dictation [diff] [noDl]
  73. Hitler will scene
  74. Hitler wedding scene [diff]
  75. Goebbels crying scene
  76. Mohnke caught in the artillery fire [noDl]
  77. Mohnke talks to Hitler
  78. Hitler and his generals receive telegram from Keitel (Bunker Scene 4, pt1)
  79. Hitler instructs Günsche (Bunker Scene 4, pt2)
  80. Haase, Flegel and Schenck meet Hitler
  81. The doctors and the drunken people / Bunker Jokes
  82. Soldiers deliver gasoline to the bunker
  83. Blondi is killed
  84. Traudl's last chat with Eva [noDl]
  85. Hitler's last supper
  86. Traudl and Gerda smoke in the generator room [ext] [noDl]
  87. Hitler's Farewell Scene
  88. Magda begs Hitler
  89. Hitler Suicide Scene
  90. Krebs and others walk through the streets of Berlin [noDl]
  91. Krebs meets General Chuikov [diff]
  92. Goebbels Rants Scene
  93. Magda drugs her children
  94. Joseph Goebbels gives a last testament
  95. Goebbels Children Murder Scene
  96. Weidling announces Berlin's surrender [diff]
  97. Krebs and Burgdorf's suicide
  98. Joseph and Magda suicide
  99. Mohnke convinces Schenck to evacuate [ext]
  100. Berlin's breakthrough [diff]
  101. Soviet women in the Bunker
  102. German soldiers gathered in a plaza
  103. Günsche scouts the Soviets [noDl]
  104. Traudl and Peter walk past the Soviets [noDl]
  105. Schenck's conversation with Stehr and Hewel [diff]
  106. Traudl and Peter leave Berlin
  107. Fates of surviving characters scene
  108. Epilogue
ext Scenes only in extended edition, diff Scenes differ between theatrical and extended edition, noDl Scenes without known download link

List is part of the Grand Unified Downfall Scenes Database.
